Player & Family Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
Each parent/guardian accepts the BAA Code of Conduct during the registration process. Before each team practices, all players and parents must review and sign the BAA Behavior Guidance Sheet.
Code of Conduct | BAA Behavior Guidance | Spectator Guidelines | City of Bloomington Athletic Field Use Policy
Incident Form
We ask that coaches or parents report all incidents that occur during a game. Coaches, please complete this form any time there are significant issues with behavior, whether from your players, coaches, or the other team.
We also ask that you report any injuries that there is suspicion of concussion or another medical incident that may require medical attention.
Game Incident Google Form (online reporting)
Game Incident Form (printable form)
Volunteer Requirements
Volunteers power BAA. We would not have our sports programs without them. To keep youth safe and comply with government regulations, we require that all of our volunteers who work with the youth in our program to complete online volunteer registration via our sports registration system: LeagueApps.
Trusted Coaches

To help protect children, BAA processes all of our coaches via Trusted Coaches to complete Background Checks, Concussion training, and Child & Youth Abuse Prevention. To look up coaching training visit the Trusted Coaches Website here:
BAA Child & Youth Abuse Prevention Program
All volunteers must also sign a non-disclosure form agreeing to keep our participant’s contact information for BAA purposes only.
BAA Volunteer Non-Disclosure Policy
Thank you for volunteering, we couldn’t run BAA without you.
Safety & Heat Policies
BAA has adopted the Minnesota High School League Heat Policy across all sports. This policy can be found by clicking on this link: