2025 Floor Hockey Key Dates
BAA Floor Hockey Program Overview:
The Bloomington Athletic Association delivers fun, affordable, and safe youth sports experiences fueled by our passionate volunteers. Our Floor Hockey program provides girls and boys (separate programs) from Kindergarten to 8th grades with the opportunity to develop sportsmanship, teamwork, and motor skills while having fun in a family-friendly atmosphere.
Volunteers: Our floor hockey program needs volunteers as coaches, assistant coaches, scorekeepers, and more. Indicate you want to coach on your child’s registration, or contact the Commissioner to indicate you want to coach today! See the Contacts section at the bottom of the page for open volunteer positions and job descriptions, or contact the Sports Commissioner for details.
As always, we depend entirely on you as parents to help make this sport the best it can be by volunteering as a head coach, assistant coach, scorekeeper, or referee. What better way to be involved with your children than to be a part of their team during the season? Without you, we cannot run this program!
BAA Tournaments and Playoffs:
BAA Playoffs and Tournaments are played for grades K – 8 with an opportunity to celebrate how the players and team have made progress since the beginning of the season, along with having some healthy competition. Parents/Guardians will be notified of the schedule and final playoff week information.
Level Descriptions
Level Grades Days of the Week
Mites Girls K - 2 Tuesday | Friday
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Cubs Girls 3 - 5 Tuesday | Friday
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Bantam Girls 6 - 8 Tuesday | Friday
8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Mites Boys K - 2 Monday | Thursday
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Cubs Boys 3 - 5 Monday | Thursday
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Bantam Boys 6 - 8 Monday | Thursday
8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Mites Girls Floor Hockey K – 2nd-grade girls
Age Group Mites K - 2nd Grade Girls
Experience The fundamentals of Floor Hockey skills teaching format. The players work in lines and rotating shifts. Learning position playing, communication and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 45 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing,shooting, running, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools - Westwood Elementary, Valleyview Elementary, and Oak Grove Elementary
Season Dates January - March
Playoffs are typically the first weekend of March.
Days of week
TimesTuesday | Friday (Primary night are listed, may have practices scheduled on different nights due to gym availability.)
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Equipment Tennis shoes, protective goggles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have sticks and pucks.
Registration | Fees $120.00
Cubs Girls Floor Hockey 3rd – 5th-grade girls
Age Group 3rd - 5th Grade Girls
Experience The fundamentals of Floor Hockey skills teaching format. The players work in lines and rotating shifts. Learning position playing, communication and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 45 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing, shooting, running, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools - Westwood Elementary, Valleyview Elementary, and Oak Grove Elementary
Season Dates January - March
Playoffs are typically the first weekend of March
Days of week
TimesTuesday | Friday (Primary night are listed, may have practices scheduled on different nights due to gym availability.)
7:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Equipment Tennis shoes, protective goggles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have sticks and pucks.
Registration | Fees $120.00
Bantam Girls Floor Hockey 6th – 8th-grade girls
Age Group | 6th - 8th Grade Girls |
Experience | The fundamentals of Floor Hockey skills teaching format. The players work in lines and rotating shifts. Learning position playing, communication and good sportsmanship. |
Game Fundamentals | Athletes will be focused on 45 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing,shooting, running, etc. |
Where | Bloomington Public Schools - Westwood Elementary, Valleyview Elementary, and Oak Grove Elementary |
Season Dates | January - March Playoffs are typically the first weekend of March |
Days of week Times | Tuesday | Friday (Primary night are listed, may have practices scheduled on different nights due to gym availability.) 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm |
Equipment | Tennis shoes, protective goggles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player. BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have sticks and pucks. |
Registration | Fees | $120.00 |
Mites Boys Floor Hockey K – 2nd-grade boys
Age Group K - 2nd Grade Boys
Experience The fundamentals of Floor Hockey skills teaching format. The players work in lines and rotating shifts. Learning position playing, communication and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 45 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing, shooting, running, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools - Westwood Elementary, Valleyview Elementary, and Oak Grove Elementary
Season Dates January - March
Playoffs are typically the first weekend of March
Days of week
TimesMonday | Thursday (Primary night are listed, may have practices scheduled on different nights due to gym availability.)
6:30 pm - 7:15 pm
Equipment Tennis shoes, protective goggles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have sticks and pucks.
Registration | Fees $120.00
Cubs Boys Floor Hockey 3rd – 5th-grade boys
Age Group | 3rd - 5th Grade Boys |
Experience | The fundamentals of Floor Hockey skills teaching format. The players work in lines and rotating shifts. Learning position playing, communication and good sportsmanship. |
Game Fundamentals | Athletes will be focused on 45 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing,shooting, running, etc. |
Where | Bloomington Public Schools - Westwood Elementary, Valleyview Elementary, and Oak Grove Elementary |
Season Dates | January - March Playoffs are typically the first weekend of March |
Days of week Times | Monday | Thursday (Primary night are listed, may have practices scheduled on different nights due to gym availability.) 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm |
Equipment | Tennis shoes, protective goggles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player. BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have sticks and pucks. |
Registration | Fees | $120.00 |
Bantams Boys Floor Hockey 6th – 8th-grade boys
Age Group 6th - 8th Grade Boys
Experience The fundamentals of Floor Hockey skills teaching format. The players work in lines and rotating shifts. Learning position playing, communication and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 45 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing,shooting, running, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools - Westwood Elementary, Valleyview Elementary, and Oak Grove Elementary
Season Dates January - March
Playoffs are typically the first weekend of March
Days of week
TimesMonday | Thursday (Primary night are listed, may have practices scheduled on different nights due to gym availability.)
8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Equipment Tennis shoes, protective goggles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have sticks and pucks.
Registration | Fees $120.00
BAA Floor Hockey Level Directors |
Mites Girls K - 2 | OPEN click for Job Description | Contact Mark with inquiries about this role. | |
Cubs Girls 3 - 5 | OPEN click for Job Description | Contact Mark with inquiries about this role. | |
Bantam Girls 6 - 8 | OPEN click for Job Description | Contact Mark with inquiries about this role. | |
Mites Boys K - 2 | OPEN click for Job Description | Contact Mark with inquiries about this role. | |
Cubs Boys 3 - 5 | OPEN click for Job Description | Contact Mark with inquiries about this role. | |
Bantam Boys 6 - 8 | OPEN click for Job Description | Contact Mark with inquiries about this role. | |
BAA Floor Hockey Contacts |
Floor Hockey Commissioner | Mark Pearson | floorhockey@baaonline.org | 763.283.9177 |
Equipment Director | David Baird | floorhockeyequipment@baaonline.org | 952.239.7907 |
Administration | Stephanie Nicholson | admin@baaonline.org | 952.222.5162 |
League Scorekeeper | OPEN click for job description | floorhockey@baaonline.org |
Rule Book | Scoresheet | Rotations | 4 Player Rotations