2025 Volleyball Key Dates
2025 Registration will open on January 1st. BAA Volleyball has limited court space available; therefore, we made a hard decision to prioritize residents of Bloomington or students of BPS over other city residents. If we reach program capacity, non-residents/students will be removed from the program, and a full refund will be issued. Once program capacity is reached, registration will close, and we will open a waiting list; we do not guarantee spaces will be available until the registration close date.
BAA Volleyball Program Overview:
The Bloomington Athletic Association delivers fun, affordable, and safe youth sports experiences fueled by our passionate volunteers. Our Volleyball program provides girls from 3rd grade – to 12th grade the opportunity to develop in the areas of sportsmanship, teamwork, and strengthening motor skills, all while having fun in a family-friendly atmosphere.
For our volleyball program, volunteers are needed as coaches, assistant coaches, scorekeepers, and more. We are looking for level directors and a tournament coordinator, contact Christa at volleyball@baaonline.org for details!
COACHING: As always we are completely dependent on you as parents to help make this sport the best it can be by volunteering your time as a head coach, assistant coach, scorekeeper, or referee. What better way to be involved with your children than to be a part of their team during the season? Without you, we cannot run this program!
BAA Tournaments and Playoffs:
BAA Playoffs and Tournaments are played for grades 3 – 12. They are an opportunity to celebrate the players’ and team’s progress since the beginning of the season and have some healthy competition. Parents/Guardians will be notified in advance of the schedule’s final playoff week information. Playoffs will most likely be held this year during the week, with limited play on the weekend of May 2nd.
Level Descriptions
Age Groups Days Playing Game Times
3rd - 5th GradesMonday | Thursday or
Tuesday | Friday6:40 pm
6th - 7th GradesTuesday | Friday 7:50 pm
8th - 12th GradesMonday | Thursday 7:50 pm
Cubs Level = 3rd – 5th – grade girls
Age Group 3rd - 5th Grades
Cubs Level
Experience The fundamentals of volleyball skills teaching format. Players learn position playing, communication, and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 65 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing, serving, setting, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools
Season Dates mid-March until the end of April
Days of week
TimesMonday | Thursday or
Tuesday | Friday
6:40 pm (6:15 arrival)
There may be a couple of days that your team may be playing on their non-playing night due to gym availability.
Equipment Tennis shoes, knee pads, hand sanitizer, water bottles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have volleyballs.
Registration | Fees $127 (2025)
Juniors Level = 6th & 7th – grade girls
Age Group 6th - 7th Grades
Juniors Level
Experience The fundamentals of volleyball skills teaching format. Players learn position playing, communication, and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 65 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing, serving, setting, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools
Season Dates Mid-March - April
Days of week
TimesTuesday | Friday
7:40 pm
There may be a couple of days that your team may be playing on their non-playing night due to gym availability.
Equipment Tennis shoes, knee pads, hand sanitizer, water bottles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have volleyballs.
Registration | Fees $127 (2025)
Bantam Level = 8th – 12th – grade girls
Age Group 8th - 12th Grades.
Bantam Level
Experience The fundamentals of volleyball skills teaching format. Players learn position playing, communication, and good sportsmanship.
Game Fundamentals Athletes will be focused on 65 minutes of drill instruction, basic skill development, and FUN competition focused on passing, shooting, running, etc.
Where Bloomington Public Schools, rotates between Jefferson Activity Center or an Elementary School
Season Dates Mid-March - end of April
Days of week
TimesMonday | Thursday
7:50 pm
There may be a couple of days that your team may be playing on their non-playing night due to gym availability.
Equipment Tennis shoes, knee pads, hand sanitizer, water bottles, and gym shorts, to be provided by the player.
BAA provides a t-shirt/jerseys for each player. Coaches will have volleyballs.
Registration | Fees $127 (2025)
BAA Volleyball Level Directors BAA Volleyball Contacts
Cubs M|TH (3rd - 5th) Denise Lilienthal denisebu241@gmail.com 612.227.7726
Cubs T|F (3rd - 5th) Denise Lilienthal denisebu241@gmail.com
Juniors (6th - 8th) Lindsay Prichard lro1999@hotmail.com
Bantam Co-Rec (9th - 12th) Floyd Getty boysbasketballequipment@baaonline.org
Volleyball Commissioner Christa Olive volleyball@baaonline.org 952.222.8069
Equipment Becky LaFontaine volleyballequipment@baaonline.org 952.373.1158
Administration Stephanie Nicholson admin@baaonline.org 952.222.5162
Game Documents | How To’s for BAA Volleyball
Coaching | Line Judging | Refereeing | Rules | Scoresheet | Incident Report
BAA Practice Plan 1 | BAA Practice Plan 2 | BAA Practice Plan 3 | Coach Angie’s Volleyball Keys
Volleyball Skills Videos
Introduction | Dynamic Warm Up | Arm Warm Up | Passing |
Attacking | Setting | Serving | Q and A Different Practice Games |