BAA Track & Field Team
2025 Program Information
BAA is working to secure a track location for the 2025 season. We are looking for a location to hold our track program this summer with the upcoming construction at both of the Bloomington High Schools track with building their new stadiums. That said, until we have a location secured we are holding off on beginning our registration. If you have questions or ideas for locations to host our track program, please contact Kim at or Stephanie at
BAA Track & Field Program Overview
The Bloomington Athletic Association delivers fun, affordable, and safe youth sports experiences fueled by our passionate volunteers. Our track program provides to develop running, jumping, and throwing skills related to Track & Field, all while having fun in a family-friendly atmosphere. BAA Events are for the family to attend, not drop-off events.
For our track program, volunteers are needed to help coach and instruct kids on different events in the track and field sector. We are looking for all parents to help run this program, from helping coach specific events to running stopwatches and helping coordinate the kids during practice. Please indicate how you would like to help with this program in your child’s registration or reach out to our Track Commissioner, Kim Robinson, at
BAA Track & Field coaches must have a USATF Membership, have the coaching requirements on file with USATF, and a copy of their certificate to the BAA Administrator. To find the coaching requirements for USATF, visit BAA will reimburse coaches for their membership if they have been pre-approved as an official coach by the Track & Field Commissioner.
BAA Track & Field Program Details
Age Group | Kids that are Kinder - 8th grade in the 2025-26 school year. |
Player Experience | To teach children the fundamental skills of track and field events. It will include the fundamentals of track including pacing, starts, form, and proper warm-up procedures. It may include field events depending on the volunteers and the space available for the program. |
Where | For practice, we are looking for a space to have a track painted on the grass this year for the program within the Bloomington City Limits. We will hold a meet or two at a track in a nearby town as part of the regular season. OPTIONAL USATF Meets: A USATF membership is required to participate in these meets, and will be an additional cost to those participating. This will be discussed at the parent meeting at the beginning of the season. |
When | Practices will begin in mid-June and wrap up in late-July with some scheduled days off due to holidays. Practices will be one hour in length Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 6 pm (tentative start time based on location availability). |
Equipment | Every child receives a BAA Track shirt. Each child needs to provide their own running shoes. |
Registration / Fees | $TBD + $13 field use fee. (financial aid for the BAA fee is available for those needing assistance; please complete this form: |
13th Annual BAA City-Wide Track Meet 2024
2024 Track & Field Meet Results
Age Group | K - 5th Grades Boys & Girls |
Experience | Annual City-Wide Track Meet give the kids a taste of a track meet where participants will compete against others in their grade level. There are two days for this event, you can select to go to one or both of the events. |
What to expect at the meet | Upon arrival to either meet, please check in by signing your child up and picking up a bib number. The bib will help us identify and record times for each runner and distances for each thrower/jumper. Athletes will be divided into age groups and will travel to each event as a group. While they do not have to participate in each event, athletes should be aware of their group’s location, so they do not miss an event. |
Events | Athletes can choose from one or more of the following events: 100m, 200m, 400m, 1-mile run, long jump, or softball throw |
When | Jefferson Track TBD |
Kennedy Track TBD |
Equipment | Tennis shoes or track shoes, no metal spikes. |
Registration | Fees | Free will donation, suggested donation of $5 per athlete per meet. |
Concession Stand | BAA Track & Field will operate a small concession stand with water, Gatorade, and a few snacks to help support this free program. |
REGISTRATION AND FEES: Athletes may participate in one or both meets. Pre-registration is not required, but it is appreciated. This can be done via the BAA LeagueApp registration system beginning on April 1st. We will not charge fees but request donations (suggested $5 per child at the meet). Parents/guardians are required to stay at the event; this is not a drop-off program.
VOLUNTEERS: We will again have the support of athletes from both the Kennedy and Jefferson track and field teams. They have been a tremendous help over the last few years. The meets also require parent volunteer support. Please get in touch with Paul Roach to volunteer at
BAA Track Contacts |
Track & Field Commissioner | Kimberly Robinson | | |
Track & Field Equipment Coordinator | OPEN | CONTACT KIM to VOLUNTEER | |
Track & Field Information & Communication Coordinator | OPEN | CONTACT KIM to VOLUNTEER | |
City-Wide Track & Field Event | Paul Roach | | |
Administration | Stephanie Nicholson | | 952.222.5162 |
BAA City-Wide Track Meet Results
2023 Results | 2022 Results | 2019 Results |
Sponsor Partners Discounts:
2025 Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon