2025 Baseball Key Dates | 2025 Coaches Key Dates
BAA Baseball Program Overview
The Bloomington Athletic Association delivers fun, affordable, and safe youth sports experiences fueled by our passionate volunteers. Our Baseball program allows kids of all ages to develop sportsmanship, teamwork, and strengthening motor skills while having fun in a family-friendly atmosphere. Join us in keeping our national pastime alive and thriving!
Our baseball program requires volunteers as coaches, assistant coaches, scorekeepers, and umpires at the younger levels. Indicate that you would like to coach in your child’s registration or contact the baseball commissioner at baseball@baaonline.org. See the Contacts section toward the bottom of the page for open volunteer positions and job descriptions.
BAA Weekend
BAA Weekend delivers a fun playing experience for our Instructional through Bantam levels. Each team plays two games on a premier field. Gather the entire family and friends to watch the kids play! BAA weekend is typically the weekend after Memorial Day. Expect to play two games between Friday evening and Sunday afternoon (no games before noon on Sunday).
BAA Tournaments and Playoffs
BAA Playoffs and Tournaments are offered for Mites, Cubs, Juniors, and Bantam levels, with an opportunity for the whole family to celebrate how the players and team have made progress since the beginning of the season. Playoff games leading up to the tournament typically begin the week before. Games can be played any evening this week regardless of whether your team is a Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs team. The Championship Weekend is the last full weekend of July. The Majors level has their end-of-season playoffs wrapping up in mid-July.
Level Descriptions
AGE GROUP | LEVEL | Days Playing | Game Times (approximate) |
Pre-school (4 years old) up to entering Kindergarten in Fall. | Mini-Mites | Saturday Begins Sat., May 10, 2025 | 1 hour |
Kindergarten - 1st grade | Instructional | M | W or T | Th Begins May 5 | 6, 2025 | 1.5 hours |
1st & 2nd grade | Mites | M | W or T | Th Begins April 28 | 29, 2025 | 2 hours |
3rd grade | Cubs | M | W or T | Th Begins April 28 | 29, 2025 | 2.5 hours |
4th & 5th grade | Juniors | M | W or T | Th Begins April 28 | 29, 2025 | 2.5 hours |
6th - 8th grade | Bantam | M - TH (2 nights per week when gameplay begins) Begins April 29, 2025 | 2.5 hours |
9th Grade | T | Th, with possible added days | 2.5 hours | |
10th - 12th grade | Majors | Su | M | W Begins early to mid-May | 2.5 hours |
Baseball Contacts | All Levels |
Mini-Mites Baseball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group | Pre-school (4 years old) up to entering Kindergarten in Fall |
Experience | The fundamentals of running the bases, player positions, batting, fielding, and teamwork are introduced |
Game Fundamentals | This level will be t-ball, no coach pitching. There are no recorded scores, standings, or tournaments for this level. |
Where | Baseball fields all around Bloomington |
When | Early-May to Mid-July Saturday mornings around 10:00 am Parents must remain on-site with children during instruction and games. Rain-outs will not be made up. If weekends do not work for your family schedule consider the mini-mites softball program, essentially the same developmental program on Mondays | Wednesdays. |
Equipment | Every child receives a hat and shirt. The team is provided with bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each child needs to provide their own glove. |
Registration / Fees | $105 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025 fee) (Financial Assistance available) |
Instructional Baseball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group | Currently in Kindergarten or 1st grade (First graders may choose to play Instructional or Mite level. First graders new to the game are encouraged to play at the Instructional level). |
Player Experience | To teach children the fundamental skills of baseball including running the bases, player positions, batting, fielding, and teamwork are introduced. |
Game Fundamentals | Coach pitch. All players bat during the inning regardless of the number of outs. Eleven children will play in the field at one time. There are no recorded scores, standings, or end-of-season tournaments for this league. |
Where | Baseball fields all around Bloomington. |
When | Beginning of May to the third week of July. Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday evenings with a few weekend practices/games. First two weeks of the season M|W teams practice Friday evenings and T|Th practice Saturday mornings. BAA Weekend, the first weekend after Memorial Day, plan to have two games scheduled during this weekend at this level. |
Equipment | Every child receives a hat and shirt. The team is provided with bats, balls, batting helmets, catchers gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each child needs to provide their own glove and protective cup. |
Registration / Fees | $118 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025 fee) (Financial Assistance available) |
Age Group | Currently in 1st or 2nd grade (1st graders may choose the Instructional level if new to the game). |
Player Experience | To teach children the fundamental skills of baseball including running the bases, player positions, batting, fielding, and teamwork are continued. |
Game Fundamentals | NEW in 2024: Pitching will be done by coaches using the Louisville Slugger Blue Flame Pitching Machine. This is used in many other communities and we believe it will develop better hitters and fields for our baseball teams. All pitching machines will be set to the same standard for distance and speed. Standings are recorded and a season-ending tournament is played. |
Where | Baseball fields all around Bloomington. |
When | End of April to late July. The playoffs start in mid-July and run during the week into the Championship weekend. Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday evenings with a few weekend practices/games. First two weeks of the season M|W teams practice Friday evenings and T|Th practice Saturday mornings. |
Equipment | Every child receives a hat and a shirt. The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each child needs to provide their own glove and protective cup. Molded cleats are optional. |
Registration / Fees | $153 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025) (Financial Assistance available) |
Age Group | Currently in 3rd grade. |
Player Experience | To teach children the fundamental skills of baseball including running the bases, player positions, batting, fielding, and teamwork are continued. |
Game Fundamentals | Player and coach pitch from a distance of 40 feet. Pitching will be a mix of player pitch and coach pitch to develop players pitching skills, details on this will be in the rulebook. Standings are recorded and a season-ending tournament is played. |
Where | Baseball fields all around Bloomington. |
When | End of April to late July. M|W or T|TH evenings plus BAA and Championship Weekends. The playoffs start in mid-July and run during the week into the Championship weekend. Note that a few times during the season the M |W league may play on a T | Th evening and vice versa depending on the number of teams in the league. First two weeks of the season M|W teams practice Friday evenings and T|Th practice Saturday mornings. |
Equipment | Every child receives a hat and a shirt. The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each child needs to provide their own glove and protective cup. Molded cleats are optional. If a child is using their own batting helmet, they MUST have a face cage as part of the helmet. |
Registration / Fees | $163 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025) (Financial Assistance available) |
Juniors Baseball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group | Currently in 4th or 5th grade. |
Player Experience | To teach children the fundamental skills of baseball including running the bases, pitching, player positions, batting, fielding, and teamwork are continued. |
Game Fundamentals | Player pitch from a distance of 45 feet. Base distance is 60 feet. Standings are recorded and a season-ending tournament is played. |
Where | Baseball fields all around Bloomington. |
When | The season runs from the end of April to late July. M | W or T | Th evenings plus BAA and Championship Weekends. The playoffs start in mid-July and run during the week into the Championship weekend. Note that a few times during the season the M |W league may play on a T | Th evening and vice versa depending on the number of teams in the league. First two weeks of the season M | W teams practice Friday evenings and T | Th practice Saturday mornings. |
Equipment | Every child receives a hat and jersey. The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each child needs to provide their own glove, grey baseball pants, and protective cup. Molded cleats are optional. |
Registration / Fees | $163 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025 fees) (Financial Assistance available) |
Bantam Baseball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group | Currently in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. |
Player Experience | To continue the development of baseball fundamentals with an emphasis on advancing technical skills. Sportsmanship and teamwork are central to the experience. |
Game Fundamentals | Player pitch from a distance of 52 feet. Base distance is 75 feet. Standings are recorded and a season-ending tournament is played. |
Where | Baseball fields all around Bloomington and Donaldson Park in Richfield. |
When | The season runs from the end of April to late July. T | TH evenings with BAA and Championship Weekends. The playoffs start in mid-July and run during the week into the Championship weekend. Due to field availability M | W games and practices may be scheduled. (No more than 2 games/practices per week after games begin.) First two weeks of the season T | Th practice and Saturday mornings. |
Equipment | Every child receives a hat and a jersey. The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each child needs to provide their own glove, grey baseball pants, and protective cup. Molded cleats are suggested. |
Registration / Fees | $163 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2024 fees) (Financial Assistance available) |
9th Grade & Majors Baseball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group | Currently in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade |
Player Experience | Once in High School, we continue to offer baseball for those players that want to continue with the fun of baseball into the summer. |
Game Fundamentals | Standings are recorded and a season-ending tournament is played. |
Where | Games will be in Bloomington, Burnsville, Apple Valley, and possibly other south metro locations. At least half of our games will be in Bloomington. Practices will all be in Bloomington. |
When | A typical season starts in mid-May and ends in mid-July. Majors league plays on Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday evenings. Sunday and Wednesday games will be played against the South Metro Teams. Mondays will be either practice or scrimmages played against other Bloomington teams. |
Equipment | Every player receives a hat and a jersey. The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, catcher gear, baseball tee, and bases. Each player needs to provide their own glove and protective cup. Baseball pants (grey) Metal cleats are allowed. |
Registration / Fees | $183.00 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025 fees) (Financial Assistance available) |
BAA Baseball Level Directors |
Mini-Mites (4 years old - preschool) | Jared Maurer | jared.maurer91@gmail.com | 612-384-8150 |
Instructional- M/W K - 1 grades | OPEN - click for job description | baseball@baaonline.org | |
Instructional - T/TH K - 1 grades | Tim Grams | tgrams4@msn.com | 952-201-6279 |
Mites- M/W 1 - 2 grades | Scott Fergus | scott.fergus@ppm.us.com | 312-813-3839 |
Mites- T/TH 1 - 2 grades | OPEN - click for job description | baseball@baaonline.org | |
Cubs- 3rd grade | Scott Stone | scott.j.stone23@gmail.com | 218.686.6245 |
Juniors 4 - 5 grade | Kent Jones | kent@encompassinc.com | 952-484-6318 |
Bantams 6 - 8 grades | OPEN - click for job description | baseball@baaonline.org | |
Majors 9 - 12 grades | Chris Arlt | chrisarlt5476@gmail.com | |
BAA Baseball Contacts |
Commissioner | Chris Nicholson | baseball@baaonline.org | 612-363-2875 |
Co - Equipment Director - equipment | Mike Littmann | mlittmann@comcast.net | 952-844-0133 |
Co - Equipment Director - uniforms & equipment | Mark Thompson | baseballequipment@baaonline.org | |
Coaching Development Director | Mike Steffen | ||
Scheduling | Field Coordinator | Carolyn Catir | baseballscheduling@baaonline.org | |
League Scorekeeper | OPEN - click for job description | Contact Chris to volunteer | |
Chief Umpire | Paul Faulk | baseballchiefumpire@baaonline.org | |
Umpire Coordinator | Cassie Mather | baseballumps@baaonline.org | |
Tournament Team Coordinator | Blake Anderson | baseballtourneydirector@baaonline.org | 612-839-5692 |
Tournament and Event Coordinator | Megan Reems | ||
Administrator | Stephanie Nicholson | admin@baaonline.org | 952-222-5162 |
BAA Sponsor Discounts
2025 Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon
Baseball Rulebook | Majors / BAC Rulebook | Majors / BAC Rules Notes | Bat & Helmet Diagram | Postponed Game Policy | Baseball Heat Policy | Rotation Sheet | Game Incident Form | Recording Scores
2022 Coaching Clinic Notes | Routine Toolbox | Practice Plan Example
2025 Juniors & Bantam Pitch counts