2025 Key Dates | 2025 Softball Clinics
BAA Softball Program Overview
The Bloomington Athletic Association delivers fun, affordable, and safe youth sports experiences fueled by our passionate volunteers. Our Recreational League Softball program allows kids of all ages to develop sportsmanship, teamwork, and strengthening motor skills while having fun in a family-friendly atmosphere. BAA has been laying out the foundation for the sport of softball in Bloomington for 70 years.
BAA focuses on developing all players, requiring equal playing time for everyone on the team per the rules. BAA offers coaching clinics where new coaches can learn fundamental skills to teach at a level appropriate for the kids. BAA Softball at the older level has a few past and current professional slow-pitch softball players who will stop by and help with player development. Slowpitch softball is not a high school sport, but it is played by some for their entire lives! It is a fast-paced game that requires all defensive players in the action as it is a high-hitting game!
Our softball program requires volunteers as coaches, assistant coaches, scorekeepers, and some umpiring at the younger levels. Check-in at sign-ups!
COACHING: As always, we are completely dependent on you as parents to help make this sport the best it can be by volunteering your time as a head coach, assistant coach, scorekeeper, or umpire. What better way to be involved with your children than to be a part of their team during the season? Without you, we cannot run this program! We have coaching clinics for all coaches and provide basic training for all coaches.
BAA Tournaments and Playoffs
BAA Playoffs and Tournaments are offered for Mites and older, with an opportunity for the whole family to celebrate how the players and team have made progress since the beginning of the season, along with having some healthy competition. Parents/Guardians will be notified in advance on schedule.
South Metro Softball League
BAA is part of the South Metro Softball League for the Squirts (3-5, + experienced 2nd-grade), Intermediates (6-7 grade), and Seniors (8-12 grade) Girls League. The South Metro offers our BAA teams a chance to represent Bloomington while playing teams from other communities on a recreational level. Yet, we consistently play in Burnsville, Eagan, or Bloomington, so your travel time is no different when traveling north and south as you have already been traveling east to west. We emphasize that this is NOT a traveling league. There is a mid-season tournament for Intermediates and Seniors, hosted in Bloomington this year, and an end-of-season tournament for all South Metro Levels in Burnsville. Once school is out for the year, plan one night with doubleheader games and one night to practice in Bloomington.
Level Summary
Age Group is based on the player’s grade at the registration time.
AGE GROUP LEVEL Days of the Week
Children starting at age 4 to kids entering Kindergarten in Fall and 6-year olds without prior experience. Mini-Mites Softball Monday | Wednesday
1st & 2nd grade girls Mites Softball Tuesday | Thursday
2nd - 4th grade girls
(2nd graders must have experience playing softball)Squirts Softball Games: Tuesday
Practices: Thursday
5th - 7th grade girls Intermediate (South Metro) Games: Thursday
Practice / Makeup Games: Tuesday
8th - 12th grade girls Seniors (South Metro) Games: Monday
Practice / Makeup Games: Wednesday
Softball Contacts Directors
Level Descriptions
Mini-Mites Softball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group AGE 4 – Kindergarten
Girls and Boys
Player Experience The player learns the basics of the game, therefore no score is kept and no season end tournament.
Game Fundamentals All players on the team will bat and field every inning. Coaches will work with the players so they can hit, throw, run the bases and field properly.
Where Softball fields around Bloomington.
When Monday & Wednesday. No weekends.
If you prefer weekends for your family schedule you can join the mini-mites baseball program, essentially the same developmental type program on Saturday mornings.
Equipment Every child receives a visor, shirt with first name pre-printed on the back, and end-of-season medal.
The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, and catcher gear. Bases are at the fields.
Each child needs to provide their own glove. Softball pants are recommended, but not required. Tennis shoes or cleats are required (no metal).
Your child may use their own batting helmet, must be USSSA certified, and the mask on the helmet is highly recommended.
Fielding masks are required staring at Squirts, recommended for all kids to protect their faces as they are learning this sport.
BAA Softball at this level does NOT allow players to use their own bats in the Mini-Mites level.
Registration / Fees $105.00 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025 fee)
(financial assistance is available for those in need: contact softball@baaonline.org)
Mites Girls Softball [ LEVEL DESCRIPTIONS ]
Age Group 1st – 2nd grade girls (experienced 2nd grade can play Cubs)
Player Experience Standard three out inning for batting with 10 players play in the field at the same time.
Game Fundamentals The objective of this league is to teach the proper way to catch, throw, field and hit. Mites level is coach pitch. Standings are recorded and a season end tournament is played.
Where Softball fields all around Bloomington.
When Tuesday & Thursday. No weekends except for season end tourney.
Equipment Every child receives a visor, shirt, and end-of-season medal. The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, and catcher gear. Bases are at the fields.
Each child needs to provide their own glove. Softball pants are recommended, but not required. Tennis shoes or cleats are required (no metal).
Your child may use their own batting helmet, must be USSSA certified, and the mask on the helmet is highly recommended.
Fielding masks are required staring at Squirts, recommended for all kids to protect their faces as they are learning this sport.
BAA Softball at this level does NOT allow players to use their own bats in the Mites level.
Registration / Fees $105.00 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025 fee)
(financial assistance is available for those in need: contact softball@baaonline.org)
Squirts Girls Softball
Age Group 2nd – 4th Grade girls (2nd graders should have played before)
Player Experience The purpose of this league is to teach the proper ways to catch, throw, field, and hit along with basic skill development. Emphasis is on learning the fundamentals of the game.
Game Fundamentals The official rules of the USSSA Slowpitch Softball are used for this level unless there are specific rules outlined by BAA / South Metro pertaining to this level. This league is player/coach pitching. No catcher in this level due to South Metro Rules. Standings are recorded and a season-end tournament is played.
Where South Metro Softball League- Burnsville / Bloomington.
When Games: Tuesday
Practices: Thursday (makeup games may be held on Thursday)
No Weekends except during the season-end tourney, July 21 - 23, 2023.
New in 2023, a mid-season tournament hosted by BAA at Dred Scott for the Squirts level teams on June 16 - 18
Equipment The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, and catcher gear. Bases are at the fields.
Uniform: Every child receives a jersey, socks, and belt. *In 2025 we will no longer be providing softball pants for players.
Each child needs to provide their own glove, BLACK softball pants, fielding mask, tennis shoes or cleats are required (no metal).
Your child may use their own batting helmet, must be USSSA certified, and the mask on the helmet is highly recommended.
BAA Softball allows players to use their own certified USSSA Slowpitch softball bats at this level, there will be team bats.
Registration / Fees $180.00 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025)
(financial assistance is available for those in need: contact softball@baaonline.org)
Intermediate Girls Softball
Age Group 5th - 7th Grade Girls
Player Experience The purpose for this league is to continue to develop your skills in all areas of the game while representing the city of Bloomington as your team will play teams from other surrounding communities. The majority of the games will be played in Burnsville and Bloomington.
Game Fundamentals Intermediates is a player pitch. The official rules of the USSSA Slowpitch Softball are used for this level unless there are specific rules outlined by BAA / South Metro pertaining to this level. This level has player pitchers and catchers. Standings are recorded and a season-end tournament is played.
Where South Metro Softball League- Burnsville / Bloomington.
When The program is Tuesday & Thursday
Games are Thursdays, and practice on Tuesdays. Makeup games will typically be Tuesdays.
Games begin May 8th, double-headers begin June 5.
No program week of July 4
No weekends except for the mid-season tournament (June 16-18, 2023) and the Season-end tourney (July 21-23, 2023) at Loc Lavon.
Practice begins May 1, optional practices may be called sooner by coaches.
Equipment The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, and catcher gear. Bases are at the fields.
Uniform: Every child receives a jersey, socks, and belt.
Each child needs to provide their own glove, fielders mask, BLACK Softball pants, and tennis shoes or cleats are required (no metal).
Your child may use their own batting helmet, must be USSSA certified, and the mask on the helmet is highly recommended.
BAA Softball allows players to use their own certified USSSA Slowpitch softball bats at this level, there will be team bats.
Registration / Fees $230.00 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025)
(financial assistance is available for those in need: contact softball@baaonline.org)
Seniors Girls Level
Age Group 8th – 12th Grade Girls
Player Experience This league is developed for girls who are more serious about playing slowpitch softball without joining a traveling team that plays on weekends. You will be representing the city of Bloomington while playing teams from surrounding communities. Games will be played in Burnsville and Bloomington.
Game Fundamentals Seniors are players pitched. The official rules of the USSSA Slowpitch Softball are used for this level unless there are specific rules outlined by BAA / South Metro pertaining to this level. Standings are recorded and a season-end tournament is played.
Where South Metro Softball League- Burnsville / Bloomington.
When Monday & Wednesday evenings.
Games begin on May 8th, double headers begin June 5th. Games are on Mondays, practice on Wednesdays (makeup games may also be on Wednesdays)
No weekends except for the mid-season tournament (June 16-18, 2023) and the Season-end tourney (July 21-23, 2023) at Loc Lavon.
Practice begins May 1, optional practices may be called sooner by coaches.
Equipment The team is provided with: bats, balls, batting helmets, and catcher gear. Bases are at the fields.
Uniform: Every child receives a jersey, socks, and belt.
Each child needs to provide their own glove, fielders mask, BLACK Softball pants, and tennis shoes or cleats are required (no metal).
Your child may use their own batting helmet, must be USSSA certified, and the mask on the helmet is highly recommended.
BAA Softball allows players to use their own certified USSSA Slowpitch softball bats at this level, there will be team bats.
Registration / Fees $230.00 + $13.00 City Field Use Fee (2025)
(financial assistance is available for those in need: contact softball@baaonline.org)
Tournament Team
Age Group | Squirts, Intermediates, & Seniors |
Player Experience | This league for our Intermediate and Senior Players that are looking for additional softball in the summer. |
Tournament Dates for 2025 | Golden Valley Tournament: TBD Burnsville, TBD State Tournament: TBD *Nationals (Watertown, SD): TBD *optional tournaments |
When | Weekends plus Friday night team practices. |
Equipment | Every team member receives a softball jersey and a batting helmet. |
Registration / Fees | $TBD. (financial assistance is not available for this program) |
Contacts for Softball
BAA Softball Contacts |
Mini-Mites (4 yrs - kinder) | Ryan Lokken | softballscheduling@baaonline.org | 612.716.0860 |
Mites (grades 1st - 2nd grades) | Rochelle Nelson | rochellenelson22@gmail.com | 612.269.2683 |
Squirts (2nd grade with experience, 3rd, & 4th grades) | OPEN - click for description | OPEN email Andy for details at softball@baaonline.org | |
Intermediates (5th - 7th grades) | Mark Borchardt | msb5859@gmail.com | 612.865.3074 |
Seniors (8th - 12th grades) | Michael Foisy | mfoisy4@aol.com | 952.200.0423 |
Softball Commissioner | Andy Rotering | softball@baaonline.org | 612.419.2575 |
Softball South Metro Director | Mark Borchardt | msb5859@gmail.com | 612.865.3074 |
Softball In-house Director | Jake Krentz | softballequipment@baaonline.org | 952.221.7435 |
Softball Equipment Director | Jake Krentz | softballequipment@baaonline.org | 952.221.7435 |
Softball Scheduler | Ryan Lokken | softballscheduling@baaonline.org | 612.716.0860 |
Administration | Stephanie Nicholson | admin@baaonline.org | 952.222.5162 |
BAA Sponsor Discounts
2025 Dick’s Sporting Goods Coupon
2025 Softball Rules | 2025 South Metro Rules | South Metro Code of Conduct | USSSA Slowpitch Rules
Baseball/Softball Heat Policy